Media Spotlight

August 10, 2022
World Gym Cares Fair, benefiting Boys & Girls Club.
It’s an understatement to say the event, to benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country, was well-attended. And that’s just the kids and their parents.
Montana Grizzlies Chase Reynolds and Brock Coyle were bracketing star bull rider Beau Hill and Olympic freeskier Maggie Voisin of Whitefish; to Coyle’s right was Doug Betters of Miami Dolphins’ fame; to Betters’ right was Brees.
“We were looking for something to do for the community and I started looking at all the (area) foundations,” said Stacy Averill, owner of World Gym. “And Boys & Girls Club kind of touched close to my heart. Growing up in the Valley I wish my friends and I had a place to go when our parents worked all the time.”
The event came together in six short weeks, Averill said. Having connections helps.

City will pursue Boys & Girls club grant.
The Columbia Falls City Council Monday night passed a resolution directing city manager Susan Nicosia to apply for the Community Development Block Grant for the new Glacier Country Boys and Girls Club HUB project.
If the grant is successful, the funds, up to $600,000, would be used to provide city sewer and water to the site.
The club has plans to build a new 24,000 square foot facility on vacant land next to St. Richard Catholic Church.
The club has an agreement to buy about three acres from the church.
About a half dozen people spoke in favor of the project and the grant during a public hearing in front of council.

September 1, 2021
Flathead Valley Exchange Club
Mandy was invited to speak on the exciting events our Club has in the Evergreen area today at the Flathead Valley Exchange Club.
Exchange Clubs sponsor activities under the organization’s Programs of Service – Americanism, Youth Programs and Community Service – as well as its National Project, the prevention of child abuse. Each year, communities benefit from the promotion of pride in our great country, college scholarships, youth mentoring, service to the underprivileged, and other services tailored to serve the needs of its citizens.
Boys and Girls Club CEO on the Radio
Boys & Girls Club CEO Mandy Anderson joined the KGEZ Good Morning Show with John Hendricks and Robin Mitchell on Wednesday June 9, 2021 to talk about the reopening of the Evergreen Boys & Girls Club, summer programs in Columbia Falls and what you can do as a community member.
Listen to Mandy Anderson on KGEZ
November 15th, 2021
Non profit leader reflects on year of growth.
Mandy Anderson was eight months pregnant when she took over as the executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of Glacier Country last winter.
In the year since she assumed the role, Anderson has expanded the nonprofit, and her family. It’s been a busy but fruitful 12 months for the young mother.
“It’s been a journey,” she reflected. “It’s rewarding and challenging.”
Anderson got involved with the local nonprofit three years ago.
Before moving to the Flathead, Anderson earned a master’s degree in public administration and worked with the United Way in Wyoming.
After she relocated farther north, Anderson said she effectively carved out a new position for herself with the local Boys and Girls Club. She became the Boys and Girls Club’s first director of development in 2019.
When the pandemic led the former director, Cindy Hooker, to move closer to her family in Florida, Anderson’s go-getter attitude led the nonprofit board to select her for its interim director.