Columbia Falls
& & & Programming and Locations:
In Columbia Falls the Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country serves youth ages kindergarten through eighth grade. We aim to serve the highest number of youth possible.
Elementary & Junior High
Our main Clubhouse is located at 540 4th Ave. W. in Columbia Falls, inside the Columbia Falls Kids Foundation Building in the old Glacier Gateway Elementary.
Grades kindergarten through eighth grade are located at this building from both Ruder Elementary, Glacier Gateway Elementary, and Columbia Falls Junior HIgh.
After School Programs
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country offers after-school programs to all age groups, kindergarten through seniors in High School. The Club opens its doors right after school lets out and closes at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during the school year.
Summer Programs
Summer Programs are offered for youth in kindergarten through eighth grade. These programs are offered at our Clubhouse location and Canvas Church in Columbia Falls. During summer time the Club hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Our Elementary Program services Ruder Elementary and Glacier Gateway Elementary in Columbia Falls.
The Students at Glacier Gateway Elementary are met outside of the school by two Boys & Girls Clubs staff and then walked across the street to the Clubhouse.
Students from Ruder Elementary ride on a specific school bus that takes them from the Elementary School and drops them off in front of the Clubhouse.
Once a student becomes a member of the Boys & Girls Clubs their parents and/or guardians will need to contact the school to notify the front office that their child(ren) will be attending the Club after school.
Members from the Junior High take a school bus from Columbia Falls Junior High that drops them off in front of Canvas Church where they are met by staff.
Once a student becomes a member of the Boys & Girls Clubs their parents and/or guardians will need to contact the Junior High to notify the front office that their child(ren) will be attending the Club after school.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country operates on a sliding fee scale for monthly payments.
In the Elementary Program, Junior High and High School Program there is a one-time yearly application fee of $20 per family, regardless of how many children participate in programming.
There are monthly fees for both the Elementary and Junior High program that are based off household income and family size; to learn more about our sliding fee scale please give our Clubhouse a call.
At the Boys & Girls Clubs of Glacier Country we will never turn any family away due to the inability to pay.
If any family does not have the financial means to pay for their children to attend there are Scholarship opportunities available.
If you would like more information about these opportunities, please reach out to the Area Director or call our Clubhouse.
More Questions?
Contact Us Directly
For membership or services :
Steven Crews, Operations Director
[email protected]
For operational matters, questions, or concerns:
Steven Crews, Operations Director
[email protected]
Columbia Falls (406) 892-2697
Evergreen (406) 471-0827